Freedom Fight Groups

Freedom Fight Groups.

It is in community with others that we come out of the darkness and into the light, breaking free from the entanglement of sexual sin and brokenness.

You can join a group or be supported to start one at your church or Christian organisation. This 6-month program from The Freedom Fight addresses the six roots that drive people to pornography.

The Freedom Fight program systematically works through each of these roots, giving a biblical, gospel-centred and clinical approach to recovery. Join the 1000’s of believers who have outgrown their struggle with pornography and unwanted sexual behaviours, by going through this program yourself or bringing it to your Christian community.

Get involved

Join a group

Join a Freedom Fight group and be a part of a small, confidential group of people working together for freedom. Share your expression of interest and we will look to connect you in one of our next facilitated groups.

Host a seminar

We host seminars for churches and Christian groups. Open the topic of porn with your group.

Contact us

Get in touch! We would love to chat further and answer any questions you have and discuss ideas for how this could be helpful for you personally or a church or christian organisation. Reach out.